When considering a vasectomy, Western Sydney men can book an appointment with Vasectomy Australia, who offer the very popular no-scalpel technique. This process is both safe and effective with the significant benefit of a fast recovery period that will take roughly a week.

As one of the most affordable options of vasectomy Blacktown men can access, the duration of the procedure is under 30 minutes, and is performed by Dr Geoff Cashion, a well-respected surgeon who is one of the most renowned surgeons on this procedure in Australia. The no-scalpel vasectomy offers the lowest risk of complication, especially when in the hands of Dr Cashion.

Our Blacktown Vasectomy Clinic location is the preferred location for people in Western Sydney, servicing people from in and around Liverpool, Cabramatta, Castle Hills and the Hills Shire, Sutherland Shire, Penrith and the Blue Mountains.

vasectomy blacktown

The vasectomy procedure is suitable for men who no longer wish to risk an unwanted pregnancy.

What are the benefits of a vasectomy for me?

Men tend to consider the vasectomy procedure when they decide to no longer have children and they are looking for a permanent method of contraception. A vasectomy will close the sperm-carrying tubes meaning the chance of pregnancy is nil. The procedure itself is performed in under 30 minutes under a general anaesthetic.

Dr Cashion performs over 2000 vasectomies a year and is a popular option for men around Australia due to his affordability and skill. Men who wish to undergo this procedure can have a consultation via the clinic, or over the phone for a quick, life-changing process that gives peace of mind to those who no longer wish to risk an unexpected pregnancy.

Why do so many men choose Dr Cashion as their first choice?

Dr Cashion is a specialist when it comes to the no-scalpel vasectomy technique and his skill level has made him one of the busiest doctors in Australia. He was trained in medicine at the University of Queensland in 2002 and has since performed thousands of successful vasectomy procedures.

His credentials include being a fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM).

Dr Cashion performs around 40 vasectomies a week thanks to his high skill-level and friendly approach.

What will a vasectomy procedure cost?

The cost of a no-scalpel vasectomy with Vasectomy Australia:

Vasectomy Fee $795
Less Medicare Rebate $222
Out of Pocket Cost $573

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Other Sydney locations

Enmore Medical Practice
134-146 Enmore Rd
Enmore NSW 2042

The Hills Medical and Dental Centre
3 Columbia Ct
Baulkham Hills NSW 2233

Penrith Medical Centre
61 – 79 Henry St,
Penrith NSW 2750

Warringah Medical & Dental Centre
10 Dale Street
Brookvale NSW 2100

Chatswood Medical & Dental Centre
270 Victoria Ave
Chatswood NSW 2067

Campbelltown Medical and Dental Centre
296 Queen St
Campbelltown NSW 2560

Maroubra Medical & Dental Centre
806/812 Anzac Parade
Maroubra NSW 2035

Sports Medicine Institute,
Ground Floor, 545-549 The Kingsway
Miranda NSW 2228